A market with a difference
From Tuesday August 11 to Friday August 14, 2020, in the conference hall of the CBC Resource Center in Yaoundé, a market like no other took place. Initiated by the Protestant Private Education Agency (PPEA), this crossroad of giving and receiving under the theme: "Educational innovations in Protestant schools: an added value to the quality of the educational offer in Cameroon", was held under the watchful eyes ofthe supervising ministries (the Ministry of Basic Education and the Ministry of Secondary Education).
For four days, the national inspectors of the said ministries as well as the representatives of Protestant private schools, PPEA members and actors of projects of innovative educational practices for an effective partnership in the denominational education sector, competed for skills to promote, as good marketing agents, educational methods aimed at improving the quality of education in their respective schools.
Thus, the participants, we mean the clients, discovered in turn innovative programs targeting the nursery, primary and secondary cycles: 1TAAPCE (nursery and primary), 2PIRP (primary), 3PFPESPNE (secondary), 4ISTP (primary and secondary). Visiting the stands of the promoters of these different projects therefore allowed to discover the strengths, weaknesses and specificities of each as well as the similarities between all. While weaknesses were seen as opportunities to do better, strengths, specificities and similarities served as platforms for fruitful networking between affiliated schools.
TAAPCE then proposes to share with others how to set up an income-generating activity. The PIRP program is ready to share its practical pedagogical approach. The PFPESPNE is willing to exchange their experience on the integration into society of school dropout through a professionally oriented pedagogy, and ISTP their experience in early childhood education and the production of teaching aids with local material.
Can't wait for the next fair. Long live networking! To your different shopping carts for the realization of this great vision.
1TAAPCE : Technique Active de l’Approche Par les Compétences pour l’Excellence
2PIRP : Programme d’Innovation et Redynamisation Pédagogique
3PFPESPNE : Projet de Formation Pédagogique des Enseignants du Secondaire pour le Nord et l’Extrême-Nord
4ISTP : Pedagogic In-Service Training Program